To improve male potency and increase sexual desire, many medicines, dietary supplements and other drugs have been released today, which anyone can buy. But few people pay attention to vitamins for potency.
And they are far from the last place among all these funds. There are various vitamin and mineral complexes aimed at improving human health and the general condition of the body. Let's find out what vitamins are needed to increase potency in men and how to choose them correctly.
What substances are needed for male potency
For human health, it is necessary that vitamins, amino acids and minerals enter the body. This is possible with a balanced diet and taking the right medications. Among the most essential vitamins for increasing potency, it is worth noting:
- vitamin A, necessary for strengthening immunity, improving the quality and quantity of spermatozoa, normalizing metabolic processes;
- Vitamin C, which has antioxidant and immune-strengthening properties, increases vascular tone, elasticity and permeability, contributes to the increase of testosterone levels in the blood and also improves the production of dopamine and serotonin - hormones of joy and pleasure;
- vitamin D for male potency, which increases the production of male hormones, has a positive effect on libido and the intensity of sensations during intimacy, participates in all metabolic processes;
- vitamins of group B, and in particular B6 and B12, which are involved in metabolism, help to start the processes of tissue regeneration, help improve the growth of hair, nails, sperm motility;
- vitamin E for potency, improving the synthesis of male hormones, stimulating blood circulation and improving vascular tone, promoting blood flow to the genitals, which means a stronger and more stable erection, accelerating the metabolism and maturation of sperm.
In addition to vitamins to improve potency, it is very important for a man to get a sufficient amount of zinc into the body. This substance is indispensable for the prevention of many diseases of the genitourinary system of the stronger sex, for example, prostatitis, improves the quality and quantity of sperm. Furthermore, zinc is involved in the synthesis of testosterone, the main male hormone.

In addition to zinc, to improve potency, it is necessary to saturate the male body with selenium. This mineral is also involved in the synthesis of testosterone, improves blood circulation and intercellular metabolism, and improves sexual desire. Selenium has a beneficial effect on the motility and maturation of spermatozoa and has a beneficial effect on reproductive functions.
Important! A deficiency in vitamins and minerals is as harmful as an overabundance of nutrients. Also, the combination of vitamins is important. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully select the vitamin and mineral complex. And you can buy male vitamins for potency in a pharmacy or online on the Internet.
Vitamins for male potency
Of course, there are many vitamins to increase potency in men.
Important! Each of the male vitamins for potency has contraindications and possible side effects. Therefore, before buying and using any of these drugs, you should consult a specialist and carefully read the instructions. It is important to take the selected vitamins correctly and regularly, not to exceed the required dosage.
When problems with male potency appear, it is necessary to help the body recover. To do this, you need to visit a specialist and choose a suitable vitamin and mineral complex.
But it is also very important to identify the cause of the problem, whether it is frequent stress and overwork or chronic illness. The result of taking vitamins for men to improve potency will be much better if a person tries to give up bad habits and lead a healthier lifestyle, as well as, if possible, exclude the cause of the onset of the disease.
Indeed, it is sometimes possible to normalize the state of sexual function only with the help of a properly selected vitamin and mineral complex and a good rest.