Problems with male potency can arise at any age, becoming a real tragedy for representatives of the stronger half of humanity. The reasons for this phenomenon are many, from simple stress to serious illnesses. Yet, in most cases the situation is solvable.

An increase in potency can be achieved quite quickly, without large investments and emotional costs, through a simple revision of your lifestyle and the use of special drugs.
A healthy lifestyle is the key to male wealth
Sometimes, to increase potency, it is not necessary to resort to "heavy artillery" in the form of medical specialists. Just take care of your body:
- Regulate your food. It plays a primary role in the functioning of each person's organism. The diet must contain all the necessary substances and microelements. Particular attention should be paid to vitamins and elements necessary for increasing potency: zinc, selenium, vitamins of groups E, B, C.
- Check your weight. Excess weight is the worst enemy of male potency. It is guilty of reducing the level of testosterone (the male sex hormone), simultaneously increasing the concentration of estrogen, the female sex hormone. Their excess content leads to suppression of potency and deterioration of the general health of men.
- Reject bad habits. These certainly include smoking and alcohol. And if you can't eliminate them completely, at least minimize the consumption of "temptations".
- Do some exercise or sport. Studies show that a sedentary lifestyle becomes one of the causes of male impotence. Therefore, to increase power, gradually get used to regular gymnastics, the gym or just jogging.
- Do not be nervous. According to experts, a huge number of cases of suppression of sexual function are associated with psychological experiences. Learn to ignore problems of any kind or seek support. This will be better not only for restoring power. Any problem that requires serious solutions requires cool blood and strong nerves.
- Try to sleep more. Sleep is the best medicine for increasing potency, among other things. Allow at least eight hours of sleep in a comfortable, quiet environment.

The issue of improving men's health must be approached comprehensively, so special exercises to increase potency will be useful.
Universal exercises
Some exercises can help increase potency in men. Include them in your regular physical education routine, especially since they are not complicated at all. Here are some of them:

- Sit on the mat in a comfortable position with one of your legs bent. Grasp the Achilles tendon with your index finger and thumb and massage it lengthwise for a minute, sometimes squeezing it. Apply pressure as you move down. Repeat the exercise with the other leg. When the procedure comes to an end, you need to slightly pinch the tendon area. This simple manipulation quickly stimulates an increase in potency and renal and bladder function.
- The next exercise is also performed while sitting on the mat. Sit in a comfortable position and massage your left shin in a circular motion with your palms folded. The order of performing the massage is as follows: first they act on the front of the lower leg, then move to the foot through the center of the calf muscle. The same is repeated with the right calf muscle. To relax the prostate, one minute of this massage on each leg is sufficient.
- The third exercise is performed lying on your stomach. In this case, the elbows are separated, the palms are folded under the chin. At the beginning of the action, you need to inhale quickly and try to reach your right elbow with your right knee bent. Arriving at the starting position (extend the leg), exhale. Repeat with the other leg. This exercise activates blood circulation in the pelvis and stimulates the urinary system. And of course, it helps increase potency.

Some drugs also help increase potency. These are products based on yohimbine and cantharidin substances.
The basis of the action of these drugs is blood flow to the genital organ. At the same time they relax the smooth muscles and dilate the blood vessels in the corpus cavernosum of the penis, which causes an increase in potency. The most popular drugs in this group are tablets that must be taken before the planned sexual intercourse.
The duration of action of each drug is not the same. For some it lasts about 4 hours, others remain effective for up to 10 hours and there are others that continue to act for almost a day.
However, the use of these drugs has its contraindications. They should not be taken if you suffer from allergies, angina pectoris, bleeding tendency or seizures. They are also contraindicated for children under 18 years of age.
At the same time, special lubricants to increase potency have recently become extremely popular. Both the cream and the gel, which help to increase potency, can be classified as "emergency aids": they begin to act very quickly and have a very short-term effect. Due to local use, lubricants have a minimum of contraindications. However, doctors are very wary of them, because such drugs have an absolutely unpredictable effect on the skin, especially on the vaginal mucosa with a completely different microflora. Therefore, at the most inopportune moment they can cause itching and burning, and perhaps a more serious allergic reaction.
By the way, no drugs that help increase potency should be taken without consulting a doctor. Therefore, do not neglect a visit to a specialist, believe me, together you will deal with your problem much faster!